Developing Web Applications with Python and Flask
This course teaches the fundamentals of Flask by building, testing, and deploying a web application using Test-Driven Development (TDD).
What will you build?
In this course, you'll build an app for tracking stock portfolios. You can think of it as a basic version of a brokerage site like Fidelity or TD Ameritrade. The app provides user management functionality (e.g., registration, login/logout, password reset) so that multiple users can access the app. After registering, users will be able to view and add new stocks to their portfolio.

After developing and testing that Web Application, this course will demonstrate how to deploy the application to Render for anyone around the world to access:
What tools and technologies are covered in this course?
This course covers a variety of technologies and services:
- Python
- Flask
- pytest
- Relational Databases (SQLite, Postgres)
- Gunicorn
- Render
Learn Vue by Building and Deploying a CRUD App
This course teaches the fundamentals of Vue 3 by building, testing, and deploying an actual web application for managing a list of users stored in a database:
- Create - add new users
- Read - display all the users
- Update - update fields for each user
- Delete - delete users
What will you build?
In this course, you'll build an front-end application for managing users in a database:

An example of the web application that will be created in this course can be found at:
Vue CRUD Application (on Netlify)
What tools and technologies are covered in this course?
This course covers a variety of technologies and services:
- JavaScript
- Vue 3 (with the Composition API)
- Vue Build Tools using Vite
- Vitest
- Vue Test Utils
- Pinia
- Vue Router
- Netlify